Personal finance is a key component of living a successful and secure life. The earlier you begin planning, the better positioned you will be to accomplish your goals. Personal finance involves all financial decisions and activities of an individual and includes a variety of money topics.
Would you like to provide your students with resources to help jumpstart their budgeting, planning and goal setting for their financial future? If so, we have resources that will help.
Youth Personal Finance PowerPoint
Get the free presentation file to use in your class.
Recorded Webinars
Supplemental Resources
Invite a Loan Officer to Your Class
Would you like to request a loan officer to speak to your class about personal finance or their career with Farm Credit? If so, complete this form, and we will do our best to schedule a virtual or in-person visit.
These materials are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice, financial advice, tax advice, or investment advice on any matter. These materials may not be current and up-to-date. You should not act or refrain from acting based on these materials or the information they contain without seeking legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction or other appropriate professional. Farm Credit expressly disclaims any liability for all acts and omissions taken or made in reliance on these materials or any information contained in these materials.